高纯锗 (唐先生,15216876228,QQ:964957184) 1.元素描述 化学式:Ge Cas No:7440-56-4 原子量:72.64 密度:5.35g/cm3 熔点:937.4℃ 沸点:2830℃ 2.纯度 99.99%~99.9999% 3.规格 块、颗粒、粉 4.包装 透明塑料袋真空封装后铝箔袋真空封装,或聚乙烯瓶封装后铝箔袋真空封装;客户可指定包装方式。 5.服务 根据产品种类提供ICP-MASS或ICP-AES或XRD或粒度检测报告;根据客户需要提供售后服务和材料应用解决方案。 6.用途 锗作为一种高新技术材料,在光纤通信、国防科技、航空航天技术、医疗保健、地质勘探、化工催化和半导体材料等领域的应用日趋广泛,特别是在知识经济猛增的**,锗材料的应用领域也日趋拓展,用量大增。
Germanium CAS NO.:7440-56-4 Melting point: 937.4° C Boiling point: 2830° C Density: 5.323G/m3 Specification: High Purity Germanium: Ge-05 Grade 99.999. The content of Germanium is above 99.999%. The total content of Ag, Al, Cd, As, Co, Cu, Fe, In, Mg, Ni, Pb & Sn is bellow 10 ppm; Uitra Purity Germanium: Zn-06 Grade 99.9999. The content of Germanium is above 99.9999%. The total content of Ag, Al, Cd, As, Co, Cu, Fe, In, Pb & Sn is bellow 1 ppm. Physical Size: Ingot, lumps,Powder. Usage: It is mainly used in the manufacture of compound semiconductors, reductant, alloys and precision cating in automobile industry etc. Packing: It is packed with dacron film, then covered with a sealed plastic film bag.